The Benefits of Using Solar Mobile Chargers and Factors to Consider When Buying one

Solar Mobile C harger

We are a country of 1.3 billion people. With rising demands, the pressure on resources has increased considerably during the past few decades. Modern India is power surplus which may make your chest swell with pride. However, there is an ugly side of the story that none talks about. About 70 percent of the country’s electricity generation capacity is from fossil fuels. The over dependence on conventional means to generate energy apart from contributing to the pollution menace is also costing the exchequer precious dollars in energy imports. One way we can address this issue is by keeping a tab on our energy consumption or finding alternate ways that do not create pressure on already scarce resources to go about our business. You can, for instance, change the way you charge your mobile phone; a task all of us perform almost everyday. As a responsible citizen, you can start by swapping your conventional mobile phone charger with a solar mobile charger that uses solar panels to charge mobile phones. In the below paragraphs, we discuss the reasons why you must make the switch and factors to consider when choosing a solar mobile charger. Take a look.


Cost effective

Solar mobile chargers utilize the Sun’s energy and do not need electricity to charge mobile phones, which can help you keep a tab on your electricity bills.

Uninterrupted Power

Power outages can frustrate you, especially when you are trying to charge your cell phone. Solar mobile chargers help address this problem and you can charge mobile devices even when you do not have power, given the condition that the Sun is smiling at you.

Boost Your Carbon Credentials

Phone chargers may not be major power consumers in your home, however, when it comes to having a positive impact on the environment even a minor shift towards a greener habit can make a world of difference.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Solar Mobile Charger   


Opt for a portable and lightweight solar mobile charger that you can easily carry in a backpack. There is no dearth of options on the market and some variants are sleek enough to slide into your pocket or a handbag.

Charging Capacity

A solar mobile charger’s charging capacity depends on battery size, the type, and overall output. Make sure the charger’s capacity matches with your phone’s battery capacity.

Solar Panel

The efficiency of a solar mobile charger depends heavily on its panel. Look for chargers with first-generation crystalline silicon, that over the years have earned a reputation for generating electricity even in low-sunlight conditions.

Sum up

Though not popular today, solar mobile chargers, in future, can result in significant power savings, therefore contributing towards solving India’s energy problem. To get your money’s worth when buying a charger, look for manufacturer’s directions and read the warranty manual carefully.