5 Benefits of Having a Solar Rooftop in Your House


India is a rapidly growing economy, with more than a population of 1 billion. The growth has resulted in a huge energy demand. The power produced in the country right now is mostly from coal and the country’s coal reserves are predicted to not last beyond 2040-50. Even at this rate of production, almost 72 percent of the population living in the rural areas does not have access to electricity. It’s high time to focus more on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Solar energy is turning out to be the best way to fulfill the energy needs of India, without leaving a carbon footprint on our environment. Investing in solar energy and equipment that converts solar energy into electricity has substantial incentives. This post lists five benefits of having a solar rooftop in your house. Read on.

Reduced Electricity Bill

Installing a solar panel on your rooftop will have a direct positive effect on your electricity bill. If the production is equal to your consumption, you can eliminate or drastically reduce your monthly electricity bill, and witness major savings in the long run.

GST Benefits

Solar rooftop generating systems fall under the 5 percent GST bracket, unlike most systems that fall under 12% to 28% tax bracket. Besides the low tax bracket, the basic customs duty on imported solar cells used in almost all solar panels is 0 percent.

Protection from Future Tariff Raises

With India’s rapid economic and population growth, the population’s dependency on energy will only  multiply in future and will result in increased electricity tariffs. A one-time investment in solar energy will protect you against any future increase in tariff rates, and volatile and potential energy costs.

Reduced Heat Trap inside Homes

According to a study published in the Solar Journal, homes that have solar panels on their rooftop, are almost 5 degree fahrenheit cooler than the rooftops that receive direct sunlight. The panels essentially act as sun shades. Cooler homes have less energy consumption in terms of air-conditioning in summer.

Positive Impact on Climate Change

The most important benefit of installing solar systems on your rooftop is doing your part in making the planet a better place to live. Solar energy is a clean form of energy, and leaves no residue to pollute the environment. Unlike other fossil fuels, solar energy is renewable and does not deplete our natural resources.

Ready to be the Change You Wish to See?

Solar energy is our biggest weapon in the war against climate change and global warming. If we want to play our part in saving the environment and reducing our dependence on non-renewable sources of energy, solar energy is our best choice. If you are looking for solar rooftop generating systems, reputed brands such as Rootefy offer a wide range of superior quality and competitively priced renewable home and commercial energy products online. You can also buy smaller solar-powered equipment such as solar lantern, solar power bank, and rechargeable LED torch.