5 Benefits of Having a Solar Rooftop in Your House


India is a rapidly growing economy, with more than a population of 1 billion. The growth has resulted in a huge energy demand. The power produced in the country right now is mostly from coal and the country’s coal reserves are predicted to not last beyond 2040-50. Even at this rate of production, almost 72 percent of the population living in the rural areas does not have access to electricity. It’s high time to focus more on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Solar energy is turning out to be the best way to fulfill the energy needs of India, without leaving a carbon footprint on our environment. Investing in solar energy and equipment that converts solar energy into electricity has substantial incentives. This post lists five benefits of having a solar rooftop in your house. Read on.

Reduced Electricity Bill

Installing a solar panel on your rooftop will have a direct positive effect on your electricity bill. If the production is equal to your consumption, you can eliminate or drastically reduce your monthly electricity bill, and witness major savings in the long run.

GST Benefits

Solar rooftop generating systems fall under the 5 percent GST bracket, unlike most systems that fall under 12% to 28% tax bracket. Besides the low tax bracket, the basic customs duty on imported solar cells used in almost all solar panels is 0 percent.

Protection from Future Tariff Raises

With India’s rapid economic and population growth, the population’s dependency on energy will only  multiply in future and will result in increased electricity tariffs. A one-time investment in solar energy will protect you against any future increase in tariff rates, and volatile and potential energy costs.

Reduced Heat Trap inside Homes

According to a study published in the Solar Journal, homes that have solar panels on their rooftop, are almost 5 degree fahrenheit cooler than the rooftops that receive direct sunlight. The panels essentially act as sun shades. Cooler homes have less energy consumption in terms of air-conditioning in summer.

Positive Impact on Climate Change

The most important benefit of installing solar systems on your rooftop is doing your part in making the planet a better place to live. Solar energy is a clean form of energy, and leaves no residue to pollute the environment. Unlike other fossil fuels, solar energy is renewable and does not deplete our natural resources.

Ready to be the Change You Wish to See?

Solar energy is our biggest weapon in the war against climate change and global warming. If we want to play our part in saving the environment and reducing our dependence on non-renewable sources of energy, solar energy is our best choice. If you are looking for solar rooftop generating systems, reputed brands such as Rootefy offer a wide range of superior quality and competitively priced renewable home and commercial energy products online. You can also buy smaller solar-powered equipment such as solar lantern, solar power bank, and rechargeable LED torch.

5 Reasons To Choose Solar Home Lighting System

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Have you ever wondered why solar lighting and solar energy are considered as the best source of energy?  In today’s era, people are becoming more energy conscious about saving and look forward to alternatives to cut down their electricity bills. So, there is nothing better than using solar energy and solar home lighting systems. Find out more about the solar home lighting system followed by the five reasons.

Why is Solar Lighting So Popular These Days?

With the introduction of solar home lighting systems, we can see many positive changes around us. First of all, the reduction in the cost of solar panels. Secondly, a measurable change in the efficiency of the batteries.

Unlike other lighting systems, solar lightings require the tough setup of solar panels because they require sufficient amount of sunlight during the day to evade the need for grid-supplied power at night. Although solar lights are not so common, they are quickly winning the attention of the users as they are affordable and help in reducing the electric bills, hence, enhancing the potential to save more.

Best Reasons To Choose Solar Home Lighting Systems

1. Eco-Friendly

Solar Panels does not produce any harmful and polluting gases. Hence, they are considered as eco-friendly and the best option for sustainability.

2. Cost-Effective

If you install solar home lighting system, you can easily reduce the cost of your electricity bills. It provides optimum lighting at a comparatively low cost.

3. Easily to Install

The Solar home lighting system is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance. You can install the system just with the help of few wires and bolts.

4. Renewable Source of Energy

Sun is our natural resource and it is available throughout the day. Even in the hazy winters, the light sun rays are sufficient enough for the solar panels to soak the energy.

5. Easily Available

Solar panels are available anywhere. Nowadays, with the help of technology, we can easily turn roofs and windows into photovoltaic sources. You can also buy different types of solar home lighting system online.

Final Words

Solar Energy has become a popular choice for most of the people nowadays. Therefore, understanding the benefits of solar energy and switching to solar lighting system is a smart option to choose. Rootefy is a reputable name in the field and has been providing impeccable solar home lighting systems for years now. To buy high- quality solar home lighting system online. Buy one and save money in the long run.

These Facts Will Demonstrate Whether We Really Need Solar Energy

The sun is simply one big battery for us.

For decades, we have depended on non-renewable, fossil fuel energy such as coal and petroleum and we still do. Even though the switchover to renewable energy forms have already been started long time back, the uptake is not as rapid and widespread as proponents of such energy systems would like. A mix of technological barriers, implementation costs and environmental constraints is responsible for renewable energy playing second fiddle to non-renewable energy.

Solar energy is one of the important renewable energy sources that people use to light up homes, cook food, watch TV and do a host of other activities. Whether we must go all-out to exploit this energy is a big question. Maybe the following facts will throw some lights on it.

  • Every day, the earth receives 174 petawatts of incoming solar radiation. One petawatt is equal to one billion millions watts. While about 30% of this is reflected back to space, the rest is absorbed by clouds, land masses, and water bodies.
  • By using solar power, we can convert solar energy into electricity. It can be through either photo-voltaic (direct method) or concentrated solar power (Indirect method). Photo-voltaic uses photo-electric effect to convert solar energy into electric energy while in concentrated solar power, large beams of sunlight are focused into a small area using lenses or mirrors.
  • Due to its non-polluting nature and significant role in combating the greenhouse effect created by use of fossils fuels, solar energy is being recognized as the future of alternative energy sources, especially as a viable home lighting system.
  • In regard to home solar panels, sunlight is absorbed by these panels and converted to electricity with the aid of solar inverters. The battery stores electricity that people can used during evenings or on cloudy days.
  • Horticulture and agriculture seek to make the most of solar energy. For example, green houses are used to convert light into heat to cultivate selected plants year-long. Also promotion of plant varieties and the timing of planting cycles consume huge amount of solar energy.


From solar lamps or lanterns to large solar panels, people in different parts of the world have been utilizing, to some extent, this powerful and generous source of energy. But still there are grounds to cover and milestones to create for mankind to transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy. Encourage families and friends to buy and use solar technologies, which are easily available online these days. Make a difference.

Mono- vs. Poly Crystalline vs. Thin Film: A Look at Different Types of Solar Panels

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In a country of 1.3 billion people, ensuring electricity reaches to the last home is an uphill task. Government of India, over the years, has come up with various policies to address the issue. Government efforts are slowly but steadily bearing fruits. However, there is still a major issue that no one is talking about. India depends heavily on fossil fuels to generate energy. These fuels are scarce, non-replenishable and do not burn cleanly, which contributes to the already grave pollution problem. Harnessing solar energy can hold the key to this problem. Solar energy is available in abundance, and is clean. You can do your bit by using solar panels to meet your energy needs. These panels have electrons that are knocked when light hits them, generating electricity in the process. There are three major types of solar panels available on the market- Monocrystalline solar cells, Polycrystalline cells, and thin films. To help you choose better, the post compares the three types of solar cells. Take a look.

Monocrystalline Solar Cells

Monocrystalline solar cells are made of cylindrical silicon ingots. Thanks to their uniform look and color, these solar cells are easily recognizable. To keep the production costs down, manufacturers cut four sides from cylindrical ingots and use them to make wafers. High grade silicon is used to manufacture these cells.


  • High efficiency
  • Less space consuming
  • Long useful life
  • Perform even in low light conditions.


  • Costly
  • A considerable amount of original silicon is wasted during the manufacturing process.
  • Efficiency takes a severe hit when the panel is covered with dust.

Polycrystalline Solar Cells

Polycrystalline solar cells are manufactured by melting and later pouring raw silicon into a mould. After the mould cools down it is cut into perfectly square wafers.


  • Less silicon is wasted during the manufacturing process.
  • Simple and cost-effective manufacturing process.
  • Have a uniform shape that makes them look stylish.


  • Less efficient as compared to monocrystalline solar cells.
  • Lower space-efficiency

Thin Film Solar Cells

These solar cells are produced by depositing multiple layers of photovoltaic material onto a substrate. Different types of TFSCs on the market are: Organic photovoltaic cells, amorphous silicon, and cadmium telluride.

What’s Good About Them

  • Bulk production is simple and inexpensive.
  • Uniform look
  • Efficient even at high temperature.

Not so Good Things About Them

  • Low space efficiency
  • The cost of support equipment such as cables is generally high.
  • Short service life


These are some pros and cons of using different types of solar panels. When choosing a solar panel, take into account your location, the material used, and your needs. Before buying solar cells online in India, talk to the retailer and enquire about the warranty period, and learn about the terms and conditions.

The Benefits of Using Solar Mobile Chargers and Factors to Consider When Buying one

Solar Mobile C harger

We are a country of 1.3 billion people. With rising demands, the pressure on resources has increased considerably during the past few decades. Modern India is power surplus which may make your chest swell with pride. However, there is an ugly side of the story that none talks about. About 70 percent of the country’s electricity generation capacity is from fossil fuels. The over dependence on conventional means to generate energy apart from contributing to the pollution menace is also costing the exchequer precious dollars in energy imports. One way we can address this issue is by keeping a tab on our energy consumption or finding alternate ways that do not create pressure on already scarce resources to go about our business. You can, for instance, change the way you charge your mobile phone; a task all of us perform almost everyday. As a responsible citizen, you can start by swapping your conventional mobile phone charger with a solar mobile charger that uses solar panels to charge mobile phones. In the below paragraphs, we discuss the reasons why you must make the switch and factors to consider when choosing a solar mobile charger. Take a look.


Cost effective

Solar mobile chargers utilize the Sun’s energy and do not need electricity to charge mobile phones, which can help you keep a tab on your electricity bills.

Uninterrupted Power

Power outages can frustrate you, especially when you are trying to charge your cell phone. Solar mobile chargers help address this problem and you can charge mobile devices even when you do not have power, given the condition that the Sun is smiling at you.

Boost Your Carbon Credentials

Phone chargers may not be major power consumers in your home, however, when it comes to having a positive impact on the environment even a minor shift towards a greener habit can make a world of difference.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Solar Mobile Charger   


Opt for a portable and lightweight solar mobile charger that you can easily carry in a backpack. There is no dearth of options on the market and some variants are sleek enough to slide into your pocket or a handbag.

Charging Capacity

A solar mobile charger’s charging capacity depends on battery size, the type, and overall output. Make sure the charger’s capacity matches with your phone’s battery capacity.

Solar Panel

The efficiency of a solar mobile charger depends heavily on its panel. Look for chargers with first-generation crystalline silicon, that over the years have earned a reputation for generating electricity even in low-sunlight conditions.

Sum up

Though not popular today, solar mobile chargers, in future, can result in significant power savings, therefore contributing towards solving India’s energy problem. To get your money’s worth when buying a charger, look for manufacturer’s directions and read the warranty manual carefully.

Buying a Solar Inverter System for Your Home? Here’s What to Check

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When it comes to buying a solar inverter systems for your home, the choices are plenty. In fact, they might be just enough to confuse even the most sorted of buyers. If you too are looking to invest in a solar inverter system but haven’t been able to make up your mind, you are not alone. As the adoption of solar energy is yet to gain full throttle, most people are unclear about how to proceed, even if they decide to invest in a solar product. So, to clear the smokescreen, this post discusses the factors you need consider when buying a solar inverter system for your home. Read on.


As far as waveform is concerned, there are three types of inverters; square wave, modified sine wave and pure sine wave. Square wave inverters are the cheapest, but on the downside, they may damage appliances with motors or transformers. Modified sine wave are the most commonly-sold UPS inverters, priced slightly higher than square wave options. The costliest and the most efficient are pure sine wave inverters.

Load Capacity

The second most important factor is the load capacity. You can go for anything between a few hundred watts to 30-40 kilowatt, depending on the power consumption of the appliances you plan to use. The basic models can power 2-3 lights and fans, and maybe a television set. You can, however, power high consumption appliances such as ACs and refrigerators by opting for an inverter with a proportionate load capacity.


Warranty is the next most critical consideration when buying a solar inverter system for your home. While some manufacturers offer a comprehensive warranty on the entire system, others may have different warranty coverages for different parts of the system. Before putting your money down, be sure to go through the terms of the warranty and confirm the length for which different parts of the system are covered.


Given the increasing influx of Chinese products, it is essential to check the certifications of the inverter you consider buying. This is particularly important if investing in a renewable energy products entitles you to receive any any tax rebate from the government. In addition to checking ISI mark, a certification for industrial products in India, you can check for other certifications a system may have.


Although cost may seem to be a rather simple factor as you can decide what you need just by looking at the numbers, there is more to the selection than jumping onto the first one that fits your budget. You can base your decision on the per-watt cost of the inverter. If, for, instance a 10,000 watt (or 10 kilowatt) inverter costs Rs. 1 lakh, the per-watt cost comes out to be Rs. 10. By breaking down the cost, you’d be in a better position to make the right pick.

Wrapping Up

Buying any home equipment is a long-term investment, with solar inverters being no exception. Take the time to research as many options as possible and finalize an option only when you are completely sure about all the factors we have listed in this post. Thanks to the onset of the online revolution; you can now easily choose from a wide range of solar inverters without having to run from pillar to post. However, when buying online, be sure about the credibility of the platform you choose to make the purchase. If you have any questions or suggestions, please voice it out in the comments section.